Corporate Office Solutions and Steelcase deliver training on “Creating and Managing Greener Workspaces”

July 21, 2011 at 3:21 pm | Posted in Certification, Events, Greening our Wokspace | Leave a comment
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Just like there are things we can do in our personal life to keep our carbon footprint at a minimum, there are things we can do with our work life as well.

On July 5, RoGBC organized another training course within the “Romania Green Building Professional” certification and training platform. Representatives from Corporate Office Solutions and Steelcase talked about how to design, construct  and operate green workspaces.

The course presented key information on various sustainable office solutions. It included developing a green office program as well as achieving internationally recognized green building certification. The event was useful for executives, architects, product designers, technologists, engineers, academics, students, and others interested in exploring ways to benefit from the important shift toward energy efficient and environmentally responsible design principle.

Within the course, our colleague Monica Zarnescu presented RoGBC’s internal policies to create a greener and healthier workspace. These include:

  • paper recycling program – RECICLETA;
  • public transportation program for the  entire RoGBC team;
  • green business events & meetings; RoGBC requires that all it’s suppliers to go green;
  • office indoor air quality that includes natural ventilation, operable windows, entrance dirt track system, indoor green wall and plants, sustainable office furniture, recycled & recyclable carpet, energy efficient & light fixtures, Green Energy Star labeled computers, printers, LCDs, selective garbage collection: plastic, paper, residuary, recycled & recyclable pens, markers, organic soaps & non-toxic cleaners


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